As I achieve a higher degree of chronological enhancement ..... I am trying to develop some better ways of thinking about things and dealing with things. Some of it comes naturally. The older I get -- the less I care about what people are thinking about ME ME ME -- or if they're thinking about me at all, really. Don't have to wear stylish clothes, comfy shoes are wonderful, my opinion has become just as valid to me as anyone else's -- I just don't feel that I have to share it all the time. Life is easier in many ways because that constant striving to attain ----- something ----- is no longer there. I am, for the most part, quite happy with my life and content with my place in the world.
But there are still burrs that get under my saddle blanket on occasion and I am constantly trying to work out better ways to deal with them from the inside out. The burr doesn't care. I just need to remove the discomfort.
Some things I have learned to deal with head-on and get past them. Like bugs. I kill them. Every single one I can find. I don't care that some bugs are beneficial -- I have heard all that and I don't care. Another advantage of chronological enhancement. Bugs have no place in my house and I kill them by any means I have at hand -- a shoe, a tissue, a deadly chemical onslaught if I feel it necessary -- my house, my world, bug-free. I don't run from them -- except maybe big spiders -- but His Dudeness is pretty good about nailing those for me, and not complaining TOO much (he knows it is easier in the long run). So bugs - handled.
There are other issues, however, that are not so easy to face head-on. They're slippery and slanted and filled with pitfalls and bad outcomes. So...... mature or not .... I have chosen ignorance. Ignorance in the sense of ignoring them. Not easy to do, mind you. Some days I want to shout and scream and swat at these issues with a big wadded up paper and flush them down the toilet of my life. I want everyone else to believe exactly as I do and to see these issues for the big horrible monstrous demonic plague that they are -- but that's not going to happen and I am getting better at not trying to make it happen.
No, the only power I have over these issues (some of them are people, for sure) is to take away their power to bother me by ignoring them. Here's where the "reconstructed" part comes in. Ignoring things is really not easy. Not easy at all. But if I can get my crazy type-A on-all-the-time brain to take a pass once in a while --- I feel better. Change the channel. Get up and take a walk. Cast on a new knitting project, for sure! But let it go, Girl. Hard hard hard to do, but very powerful.
And now to go try to take my own good advice -- for what it's worth.
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